Chad Rasmussen

Chad Rasmussen

President & CEO, Y-COM.

Appears in 2 Episodes

Navigating the Changing Landscape of Telecom with Chad Rasmussen of Y-COM

Navigating the Changing Landscape of Telecom with Chad Rasmussen of Y-COM

Episode 98 · · 19:43

As we head further into 2023, new trends come surfing in the telecom industry. In such an ever-changing landscape, how does a company meet the changing needs of its clients? In this ...

Laying the Foundation for 5G With Chad Rasmussen

Laying the Foundation for 5G With Chad Rasmussen

Episode 15 · · 18:13

If you’re in vertical telecom, you’re familiar with permitting delays and workforce shortages. Your counterparts in horizontal deployments face similar challenges: more applications ...